When the Sacred Scriptures are read in the Church, it is God Himself who speaks to His people, and Christ, present in His own Word, who announces the Good News. For this reason, the readings of the Word of God, which provide the Liturgy with an element of great importance, must be heard by all with reverence. And although the divine word, in the readings of the Sacred Scripture, is addressed to all people of all times and is within their understanding, its effectiveness increases with a lively explanation, that is, with the homily, which thus becomes part of the liturgical action (IGMR 29). Reading the readings, according to tradition, is not a presidential role, but a ministerial one. Therefore, the readings are proclaimed by a lector.
2010, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.
Lectors play an important part in the litergy of the mass through their inspiring delivery of the scriptures. Those who feel the calling of proclaming the Word of God, we encourge you to get incontact with the parish office to start you journey.