Annual Mission Appeal - Guatemala Mission

Discover the Inspiring Journey of Fr. Jose Lopez and His Mission

Are you looking for inspiration and a deeper understanding of faith in action? Meet Fr. Jose Lopez, a dedicated priest whose mission is transforming lives and serving the poor in communities in Guatemala. The Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston has assigned Fr. Jose Lopez to conduct an appeal for the Guatemalan Mission here at St. Andrew. On September 21-22, 2024, he will be here to ask for our help. Dive into his story and see how you can be a part of his incredible journey.

Misión de llamamiento anual - Misión de Guatemala

Descubre la Inspiradora Misión del Padre José López

¿Buscas inspiración y una comprensión más profunda de la fe en acción? Conoce al Padre José López, un sacerdote dedicado cuya misión está transformando vidas y sirviendo a los más necesitados en comunidades de Guatemala. La Arquidiócesis de Galveston-Houston ha asignado al P. José López para realizar una apelación para la Misión de Guatemala aquí en St. Andrew. Los días 21 y 22 de Septiembre de 2024, él estará aquí para pedir nuestra ayuda. Sumérgete en su historia y descubre cómo puedes ser parte de su increíble viaje.

Want to learn more about Fr. Jose Lopez’s transformative work? Click [here] to read his full story, get involved, and see how you can contribute to this impactful mission.

¿Quieres conocer más sobre el trabajo transformador del Padre José López? Haz clic [aquí] para leer su historia completa, involucrarte y ver cómo puedes contribuir a esta misión tan significativa.

Click the following pdf download links to take a look at these moments captured from his recent outreach program and see the impact firsthand.

Haz clic en los siguientes enlaces para descargar el PDF para ver estos momentos capturados de su reciente programa de alcance y observar el impacto de primera mano.


EPRODEP recognizes art as one of the multiple intelligences that students can discover that they have and can develop in their growth as a person. Discover the aim of the school and how they help develop what the students are good at.

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The small Christian Communities, different organized groups of the different communities, youth groups, health clinics, students and their families from the school, participated in one of the most beautiful, artistic and peaceful demonstrations in Ciudad Quetzal.

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Learn about how parents are informed and are promoted to participate in the subject matter being presented to their children.

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Get to know the two training spaces for teachers that have been developed within the educational establishment. At the beginning of the year, the reflection revolved around the principles of popular education.

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